This page is dedicated to all the epic businesses in the community that we’d like to support. Please consider supporting locally owned businesses when you can. Members can add their business to this page by submitting a new business form found on the member’s website “Business” page(still under construction). New businesses will be voted on at the next quarterly campout and those that pass the vote will be added to this page at no cost. Let’s uplift our local businesses for a thriving community.

(I’m hoping to have links to their websites when time allows. For now it’s just a list of current businesses.)

The OGs

Seth Keller LLC

aFeinberg Gallery

Uncle D’s Kauai


Harneet Bajwa Photography

Pre-Voting Businesses

Atman Events LLC

Waimea Canyon Vineyard

Garden Ponds

Kilauea Paint and Feed

Kustom Sounds Kauai

Keller Construction

J and S Portable Toilets